Asalamualaikum saya disini ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri kepada semua umat islam dan warga negara Brunei Darussalam!
Ampun dan maaf andainya aku ini… Terkasar bahasa dalam bicara Tersilap bicara semasa bersama Termarah yang tak kena tempatnya Tertanya tak tentu hala.. Tersasul yang tak sengaja Terpukul kat mana-mana Terpekik kuat di telinga Terhantuk terketuk di kepala Terpinjam terambil harta & benda Termoody tak semena-mena Terumpat bila ada cerita, Teremail benda yang tak sepatutnya kau terima Termacam-macam yang kena-mengena.. ,, Di hari yang mulia sepuluh jari ku hulurkan semua, Memohon kemaafan atas segala dosa yang ada Kerana aku masih bernama manusia Pastinya tak lepas membuat dosa Semoga dimaafkan, Salam Aidil Fitri Maaf zahir & Batin!
she's a tomboy.. seriously.. i asked her to wear something different, make her like a lady ;D i've been waiting for so long to shot her.. and.. to pose her?? its hard man! lastly i helped her to pose ini macam.. hehehe! enjoy.. thanks for watching.. enjoy.. more will upload tommorow. :)
Hello! =) right now.. tengah membuat experiment... gaya DAVEHILL / KUKUBESIeffects. memang susah nak buat... entah apa benda dia simpan dalam gambar dier. tengok pun semacam kartun je. Dengar khabar dia langsung tak pakai plug-in dalam photoshop. hmmm ini buat saya rungsing ne..
Hello people this is my first tutorial making a scrapbook using photoshop. i make it as simple as possible & easy. I'll be glad if you find this useful. All you have to do.. find stock from the internet.. or i recommended take photo from above.
1. find photos for your scrapbook.
Example of original pictures from previous Scrapbook. mostly downloaded.
2. Extract carefully using Magnetic Tool got problem with extraction? click here.
Be patient, you'll get something like this. Save it & extract the rest of the photos.
3. Open new image for background and the flower. Here I'm using notebook stock as a background.Then go to flower window select all > copy > paste it to the notebook.
4. Resize & Rotate it, place anywhere you like.
Use the move tool (make sure you click on the show transform controls) resize, rotate, flip it whichever you like same goes to all the photos you want to add.
5. Use Blending Option to make it look 3D by applying drop shadow to the flower.
Go to the flower layer > right click> blending option > click drop shadow > drop shadow option play with the opacity, angle, spread etc.
6. Make border using canvas size.
open new image > alt+ctrl+c
7. Paste!
Move the layers up and down. Want to learn more about layers? click here
DONE! GOODLUCK! =D This is my version with the add of brushes and patterned paper.
Please drop your comment and link here . I'll be happy if you show me your results.